Thursday, June 14, 2012

Reflections on my first BEA

I had the great fortune to be invited by my publisher, Tiger Tales, to represent them at this year's Book Expo America in New York. The Book Expo or BEA is an annual trade show for publishers. It is where they all gather under one (ginormous) roof to showcase their new and forthcoming titles to potential buyers, reviewers, bloggers and fans. In short it is the annual Super Bowl for book geeks like me. In between row after row after row of publishers' kiosks, I rubbed elbows with publishers, authors, book buyers, and a larger than life Captain Underpants character. As an author, it would have been easy to feel intimidated by the vast number of books that were represented there; but I chose instead to draw on the excitement of so many people who were so passionate about books and consequently, I had an absolutely wonderful time.
The highlights of the event for me were:
  •  Meeting the publishing staff at Tiger Tales who made me feel wanted and welcomed.
  • Autopraphing WITH ALL MY HEART for well over 100 people.
  • Seeing Lana's forthcoming title FREAKLING on display at the Candlewick booth.
  • Enjoying a dinner party with the Tiger Tales family at a charming Greek restaurant.
  • Watching my daughter, Delaney, get so excited about books.
  • Meeting so many wonderful book lovers.
  • And of course meeting MO WILLEMS!!!
Even though I was a relatively new and unknown author in a very big pond; for a few hours I got to feel like a rock star! Of course this week I'm back to yard work and taking out the trash, but the memories remain! I will cherish the memories of my first BEA for years to come, and I want to publicly thank my wonderful publishing team at Tiger Tales for making it happen!
To see more pics from BEA, visit my site at Brian Rock Writes For Children

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